Ashford Local Plan 2041

Why is Ashford Borough Council reviewing its Local Plan?


The simple reason is that this key planning document is now over five years old. Consequently, it now carries less weight when planning applications are put forward that are not included in the Plan, because the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) defines an ‘ up to date plan’ as one that is less than five years old.


Ashford Borough Council is our Local Planning Authority (LPA) and has a statutory duty to review its Local Plan and identify sufficient developable land to meet the requirements of a growing population across the whole borough. The ‘Call for Sites’ is the necessary first step in the Local Plan review, the full process of which is outlined on Ashford Borough Council’s website.

The response to the ‘Call for Sites’ is for all types of development. In addition to finding land for housing, the LPA needs more Gypsy and Traveller pitches, land for employment and leisure facilities,  suitable land for green spaces and energy generation, biodiversity net gain (BNG) sites, and potential wetlands for nutrient neutrality mitigation to address the Stodmarsh issue.  The long list shows that landowners and developers have proposed over 332 sites across the borough.  Seven sites have put forward by landowners or agents in Aldington, one of which is part of Quarry Field that has been put forward for nature by the Parish Council. There are no sites put forward in Bonnington.

All sites put forward for consideration for the next Ashford Local Plan are available to view. Although ABC’s list of proposed sites and map look alarming, it is important to remember that the key word is proposed and no decisions have yet been taken as to which of the proposed sites will go forward in the new Local Plan 2041. There will be a selection, as there always has been in the past. Many of the sites proposed this time have been proposed previously.

The next stage is for Ashford Borough Council planners to evaluate every submission that has come forward through a process called the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA). This will inevitably screen out some sites as unsuitable. When this is completed the first public consultations will begin so that communities, such as ours, can also have a say in how, where and what sort of development comes. Sign up now to ensure that you are kept informed on the progress of the emerging Local Plan on the Have Your Say Consultation Portal.


Aldington sites put forward for consideration in the Ashford Local Plan 2041:



You can download this list of Aldington sites here APL2041